Friday, 30 March 2012

Job-seekers join great companies but leave because of bad bosses

It happens...Encountering someone who bad-mouthed you, offended you is terrible. What’s even more terrible is if he/she is your boss. Then don’t be surprised, you are not alone: D .It’s just not enough if you get a good job in a good company, one needs to be lucky to get a good boss too... This is one of my realizations after being 5 years in the industry.

If someone (who is intelligent also) is in starting years of industry, one shall immediately quit the current job and get a new job. But as the years go by, one learns to tolerate bad boss around. There is no point in fighting back because that creates a hole in the resume.

But what makes a bad boss?

1.     Lack of Trust

Most often I have seen that these people don’t trust that a task can be delivered. It can be due to many reasons.

  1.  Person lack skills-> Then provide him      sufficient        training and time and give him a chance
  2.  Previous Failed Experience -> Point out the reason for failure and ensure the mistakes don’t happen as part of process. This is called Quality check. Provide another opportunity to boost his confidence and morale and provide more such learning opportunity instead of putting him/her down.
  3. Biased opinions-> this ends up in giving the task to same old experienced people and curbs the new talent.

2.     Lack of communication:

When a junior employee commits a mistake, then it can be communicated to him explaining him what was wrong on his/her part. Expecting other person to be a mind –reader unnecessarily creates both technical and non-technical issues.
3.     Know It All Attitude:

Curbing ideas when they are to be generated is like killing a person’s enthusiasm at work. Yelling at employees only makes them feel reprimanded. One needs to be open minded and learn from juniors to create an innovative work environment.

Being a manager, one should know the skills of bridging the gap between higher management and engineers and create a positive environment to achieve the organization goal. Managers should handle failures in a positive way to make it a learning experience rather than a fearing experience. Everyone in the organization has their own role to play. A Manager is a manager as he has the experience to handle things and see the big picture and guide the juniors, not make their job miserable. One needs to understand that everybody is an employee first and their designations follow next, not the other way around...


rfgdfgdf said...

Very nice blog
probably you should give this link to your boss

jayasudhaa said...

Thanks :)

Jitesh said...

Seems the present scenario in Indian Service providers....
Have a look at:
30 reasons employees hate their managers:
what your people may be thinking and what you can do about it

I am neither a Manager nor Employee...
I am freelancer... I am my own boss... and Customer is my God (till he pays me for what I do...)

Jitesh said...

Prepare your self - if your boss have read this one...:D

BTW - nice wordings... u have used in ur blog...

jayasudhaa said...

Thank you :) ...