Monday, 13 February 2012

On a Valentine journey....

The most unique thing about human search is that it never ends and we dont realise.
 There is always a search of external (materialistic ) things or internal ( peace) things
in life and life goes on searching.

Those who are single search for a companion, those with a companion search for a
memorable moment and happiness. People often dont realise the fact that the person
who made u happy is the one who makes u sad.
When sad, people give up on relationship n search for another instead of growing
with it and the saga continues...
Ideal Friend, Ideal Relationship , Ideal person.. there's nothing like that , only thing we
all need to work on what we want constantly which is what life is all about..Its not about
the final destination , its the journey that makes complete and a companion is a person
who makes jounery all the more beautiful!!

Happy Valentine!!!

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