Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mark your Skills than Certificates

Deccan Herald, Times of India and many other papers have one ad in common which is photos of the school toppers and felicitation by their school management.

What about those who didnt make it to the top? Does it mean they wont land up in great jobs. Certainly Not.

Here is an example of a person who had back logs in his graduation but made it to one of the best organisations. His name is Yogesh and works in an Automotive OEM.

Me :  Can you describe briefly about yourself, your current work?
Yogesh :    Hi , I'm a 11-7 employee who loves his work and company , And more importantly a nice pay to full fill my long desire built from childhood.

Me :  How did you land in your current job?

 Yogesh :  Multiple job jumps from small organizations.I started off with a small company with 10  employees teaching final year projects to engineering students working for about a year later got a break into an automotive company as a contract employee , as working along I landed up in my current organization

Me : On Academics front, u have been just average. how has it impacted your professional life?

Yogesh : Well after seeing my resume i could clearly see a frown on their face , but all I needed is to have a talk to let them know what I am.Initially it was difficult but later my previous jobs was an example so I did'nt have to explain much :-) .All I can say is my passion towards learning got me this far , and not fancy numbers on my resume.

Me : Your take on Automotive industry.

Yogesh : I was always fascinated by the automotive industry the adaptive algo's , life saving designs and the constant approach to prove them as the best.

I always wanted to point out on a car and say " Do u see that CAR ..... It runs on my code "

Me :  Your thoughts for average performers

Yogesh : Hmmmm . . . . . Well in my view they concentrate on different aspect of education than writing convincing answers.In my case i always wanted to know how stuff worked and when i explained that its not the same as the stuff printed.

Me : Finally, whats work life balance all about?

Yogesh : Having a life at work is the perfect balance , i dont believe in the saying 5 days hard work and party in weekends.

Work is fun and I enjoy my work and weekends are not for patching up the fun lost in the week.

So as it is said "journey is more important than destination"..

Make your Inner Journey through your action that bring satisfaction !!!

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